Located at 103 2750 Faithful Ave in Saskatoon, Sk
(corner of 50th Street and Faithfull Ave)

$10/person or $7/student to stay and play!
How it works:
Come on in, we will get you settled at a table and help you
choose a game from our extensive library.
For only $10/person , you can hang out and play as many games as
your group would like. Try something new or play some old classics.
Due to limited capacity, we strongly recommend calling ahead
to reserve a table.
Please Call 306-384-0014
*Please note that we will not seat a table in the game lounge less than 1 hour prior to closing*
Ready for some snacks or something to quench your thirst?
We have you covered! Let our game host know and we can start you a tab. No need to pay until you are done and ready to leave.
Not sure what you should play?
Talk to one of our Game Hosts for a game recommendation.